Aizey (like the letters)
About Me
"So good at media you forget he's a brilliant Computer Science Engineer" - My Professors

I would be lying if I said I always had a passion for media and filmmaking. Honestly, I wanted to be a basketball player but gravity had other plans (see photos). When those dreams died as I looked at the 6th grade basketball team roster that to my surprise was lacking my name, I began a deep and long search through my soul for what I really wanted in my life, as all 11 year olds do.

That search did not end until I was a freshman in high school 3 years later. My sister was forced by my mom to take me to a movie, I didn’t want to go, she didn’t want me to go, I was so upset I had to go that I cried. I sat in the theater so upset I was sure I’d hate the movie, I was wrong.

The movie was 500 Days of Summer. It opened my eyes to what movies were, I was so aware of every choice, how Marc Webb chose to color the film, how every song felt irreplaceable, most importantly, how to tell a story. I’ve been obsessed ever since. So as you sit here reading this, possibly looking to hire me for a job or just to look at an adorable Corgi, it’s just a story about a kid going to the movies, but no story is pointless and I’d love to help tell yours.

A lot like taking photos, but a lot of them really fast in order.
A lot like a movie, but paused.
Very similar to a chopping and screwing a song, with less T-Pain